More for your clients

Gain a unique perspective on the client's personality. Instantly, from anywhere and anytime. Save time and focus only on what matters.
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You will soon be able to use the full potential of Talk2amy for Professionals in your country. Meanwhile check out Talk2amy Lite with no registration and for free. In just 23 minutes you will get an essential insight into your personality and access to the core functionality of the platform.
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What Do You Get

Look at the most important.
Personality as a whole

Get an immediate insight into the personality of clients according to recognized standards. x)

Personality interpretation

Work interactively with a detailed description of personality in both textual and graphical form.

Specialized questionnaires

Utilize a large set of personality questionnaires and tests, the option of feedback, or relationship mapping.


Look at the group as a whole or at its individual members.

Focus on the essentials

Amy provides you with a comprehensive and unbiased view of the client's personality. The interpretation of the results is instantly available to you in the form of infographics, graphs, texts, and reports. This will save you more time for your clients and give you a deeper insight into their personality. Amy can also analyze entire groups, relationships among people in the group, their satisfaction, or attitudes.

If you provide your professional services to companies, you can also take advantage of the option of managing customers and orders, which will facilitate and streamline your work with external clients.

Who uses Amy?

What professionals think about Amy.

Why Amy?

Get to know the key features and meet Amy.

Amy Explains

Take advantage of this unique feature and let Amy tell you what's most important about a particular personality.

Comprehensive Personality Model

Amy presents the complete personality structure.

Professional interpretation

Amy creates an expert report from the results of psychotests.


Amy creates a pre-diagnostic report for each client.

Easy Questionnaires Management

Amy also allows you to plan specialized questionnaires and combine them into batteries.

For client and professional

Amy creates two profiles. For the client to explain his/her personality. For the expert to further his/her work with the client.

Working with results

Personality profile can be supplemented on the basis of other diagnostic methods or knowledge from working with the client.


Ask our specialists how to work with the results and use Talk2amy in your practice.

External Orders

Do you provide services where you need to work with people on an individual basis? Use external orders for your customers.

Atmosphere & relations

You will better understand the atmosphere in external companies and teams. You will map relationships in these teams.

Learn more

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About Amy Amy for Professionals

Subscription for Professionals allows Talk2Amy to be used commercially not only for psychologists x), but also for consultants, coaches, personal counselors and other professions that require a detailed understanding of human personality. Subscription is only available in selected countries.

Who is this version for? x)

Amy in Figures

Facts in brief.

Duration of initial talk


Number of questionnaires and tests +)


Professional profiles +)


Personal profiles +)


Availability of results


Time to create subscription


Free trial period

+) Availability depends on the selected plan

Compare versions

Find out which one is right for you.
Talk2amy for Professionals brings you many features that will help you work faster with the personality of a particular person as well as the whole group. Some of the features are only available in higher plans. You can find a detailed comparison of functions here: Features Comparison (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

What professionals usually ask.
Currently, the subscription is available only for Professionals in the selected markets. We are working on other languages and regional availabilities. Individual EU countries will soon follow. You can also subscribe to our newsletter, where you can regularly receive all the latest news and developments.
You only need to define the required battery of questionnaires. The results, after their completion, are evaluated and displayed immediately. No further effort is required.
Yes, absolutely. It is possible to download personality/development reports in Microsoft Word format, which can be further modified according to your needs.
The platform performs only essential diagnostics. A qualified person can then adjust the personality characteristics, e.g. according to the results of clinical observations.
Within the talk2amy platform, you can use both predefined internal questionnaires and standard questionnaires, which you can choose and plan yourself. Questionnaires can be also grouped into batteries. The results of the questionnaires are available both in a rigorous form and through a quick intuitive preview.
x) Not for Healthcare and Clinical Psychology. The results of the talk2amy platform are based on statistics and prediction and cannot therefore in any way be regarded as an assessment of the health or mental state of the profiled person. If you have any concerns about your health or mental state, it is necessary to contact your doctor. The results of the Questionnaires do not replace the diagnosis or other assessment of an individual's mental or health condition, only a medical doctor is competent to do that.