Focus on human potential

Discover new talents, create perfect teams, and help employees reach their full potential.
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What Do You Get?

Look at the most important.
Better candidate selection

Get a more detailed insight into the personality of the candidate and their match with the specific positions.

Employees development

Support the growth of your employees and help them develop their potential.


Create ideal work teams. Look at the team as a whole or its individual members.

Atmosphere & relations

Map the relationships among people in the team or find out what the atmosphere is like in the company.

One company, One platform

Motivated and competent employees are the foundation of every successful business. Finding and retaining the right employees, however, is becoming increasingly complex. Amy provides you with a complete ecosystem for identifying and developing the personal potential of individuals.

From candidate selection, through team integration, employee development, to mapping their relationships, attitudes, and motivation. From individual assessment, through team analysis, to an overview of the entire company.

Who uses Amy?

What companies think about Amy.

Why Amy?

Get to know the key features and meet Amy.

Amy Explains

Take advantage of this unique feature and let Amy tell you what's most important about a particular personality.

Candidates and employees

Amy assists you in comprehending the individualities of people. Through initial talk, she outlines their personality characteristics.


Amy shows the unique qualities of the team, comparing each member and outlining their individual roles.

Selection of candidates

Amy carefully selects the perfect candidate for each role.


To understand someone's personality, it is essential to consider not only their own perspective, but also the perspectives of those around them.

Atmosphere & relations

Gain a deeper insight into the culture of your organisation and its teams. Uncover the dynamics of your teams and build stronger relationships.

See what's hidden

Utilizing essential and advanced tools, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of data and uncover its hidden meaning.


Let our experts help you understand the results of your candidates and employees and how to best work with them going forward.

External Orders

Are you offering services that require you to work one-on-one with people? Create external orders for your customers.

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About Amy Amy for Companies

Subscription for Companies allows companies of all sizes to commercially use Talk2amy. It helps recruiters, HR professionals and company management to work effectively with human potential. This subscription focuses mainly on the general personality assessment and is available in selected countries only.

Who is this version for?

Amy in Figures

Facts in brief.

Duration of initial talk


Number of questionnaires and tests +)


Professional profiles +)


Personal profiles +)


Availability of results


Time to create subscription


Free trial period

+) Availability depends on the selected plan

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Talk2amy is available in several versions. Check out their mutual comparison from the perspective of offered features.
Detailed version comparison: Features Comparison (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

What companies usually ask.
Currently, the subscription is available only for Companies in the selected markets. We are working on other languages and regional availabilities. Individual EU countries will soon follow. You can also subscribe to our newsletter, where you can regularly receive all the latest news and developments.
During the initial conversation, which usually takes between 20 to 30 minutes, you will get a comprehensive overview of the individual's personality. If you choose to use additional questionnaires, the time required will depend on the number of questions.
Yes. From a group of selected employees, the platform will help you to create a so-called intelligent profile, which you can later use to assess candidates.
After completing the essential questionnaires, it is possible to compare employee with the work profile and plan further development activities.
Talk2amy offers a wide range of professional profiles. Their number and selection depends on the plan you currently have available. It is also possible to create professional profiles. You can use the selected professional profile both for comparison with a specific personality and for assignment to a recruitment position. In the second case, you will find the best match from all candidates applying for the position.